The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.

John 1:9

The movement from darkness to light, from death to life, is captured as the disciples witness the empty tomb. Mary arrives “early in the morning, while it was still dark.” Darkness has enveloped the disciples in sorrow and fear. Mary and the beloved disciple were there at the cross and witnessed the passion and death of the Lord. Peter and the others fled in fear.

The loss of the Lord filled them with grief. They were confused, lost and alone. They were in the dark. The “darkness” that engulfed them are symbolized by the darkness of the early morning when Mary arrives at the tomb. At this point all she can see is the stone having been rolled back. It is too dark to see into the tomb.

By the time she returns with Peter and the beloved disciple it is light. The new light of morning fills the sky. The light allows them to see into the tomb. They see the burial cloths. The beloved disciple sees the empty tomb, the burial cloths and the one rolled up in a separate place. He sees and believes. The movement from darkness to light is now realized in faith.

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