But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil

Psalms 92:10

The most powerful Holy Spirit anointing upon us in time past will not necessarily keep us on God’s straight and narrow path today, both personally and ministry-wise… unless we keep that anointing of the Holy Spirit stirred up as “fresh oil” in our lives daily.

As some have said, yesterday’s anointing is not necessarily sufficient for today. Jesus had the Holy Spirit in His life from His very conception. But He did not do His first miracle, at the wedding feast of Cana, until after His anointing (not His conception) by the Holy Spirit. Likewise, for us, the “unction” of the Spirit, kept fresh and stirred up in us, will open the door for life and ministry in the Pentecostal power of the Holy Spirit, including the supernatural spiritual gifts.

Have you lost Jesus today through neglect? Have you lost Jesus through lack of maintenance and lack of relationship? Have you just assumed that everything was okay, everything was going to stay the same? If so, it’s time to come to this altar for a fresh anointing of oil! It’s time to come back to the temple and find Jesus!

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